1 min read

What is your Brand?

Every macro and micro decision you make each day communicates your brand. For example; the clothes you buy, the food you eat, the work you do, how you present yourself and what you choose to do with your time reinforce who you are, and what you do, to those around you.

Every macro and micro decision you make each day communicates your brand.

For example; the clothes you buy, the food you eat, the work you do, how you present yourself and what you choose to do with your time reinforce who you are, and what you do, to those around you.

Over time, a narrative of what people believe you will be like, the quality, integrity, generosity and service that comes guaranteed is formed.

This narrative becomes your brand.

So, what is your brand?

Your brand is not your logo. Your brand is the story people tell themselves about you and their expectations of what you will be like when you walk into the room. If you become inconsistent, your brand will inevitably become inconsistent and fade away. -Seth Godin
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